
Контрольні оцінювання для 6-А класу


Виконати контрольну роботу за ІІ семестр (ЗАВАНТАЖИТИ ТУТ)

Основи здоров’я

Виконати тестові завдання (ЗАВАНТАЖИТИ ТУТ)


Українська мова

Аудіодиктант відбудеться 19.05. об 11.00.

УВАГА! Вже о 12.00 учнівські роботи мають бути відправлені для перевірки вчителю української мови.

Дата – 12.05: Виконати контрольну тестову роботу №8. Повторення і узагальнення вивченого за рік. (ЗАВАНТАЖИТИ ТУТ)

Українська література

Дата – 08.05: Виконати контрольну тестову роботу №4. Гумористичні твори. (ЗАВАНТАЖИТИ ТУТ)


Англійська мова

Аудіювання – listening

 Як виконати контрольну роботу з аудіювання

  1. Двічі прослухайте аудіо запис.
  2. Виконайте завдання.

І. Match the vocabulary with the correct definition and write a – d next to the number 1 – 4.

1…….. platform                                                 

2…….. ticket

3…….. single (ticket)

4…….. return (ticket)

  1. A small piece of paper to allow you to use a train or bus.
  2. The place in a train station where people get on and get off trains
  3. A ticket to travel to a place, but not to travel back
  4. A ticket to travel to a place and back again.

ІІ. Complete the gaps with the correct place from the box.

Oxford                Manchester                        London


            Cambridge                            Exeter


Listening A

The speaker wants to go to _______________

Listening B

The speaker wants to go to _______________

Listening C

The speaker wants to go to _______________

Listening D

The train is going to _______________

Listening E

The passengers want to go to _______________

ІІІ. Write the correct answer to these questions.

  1. Which platform does the 10.15 train to Cambridge leave from?
  2. How much is a single ticket to Manchester?
  3. Which platform does the 12.30 train to Manchester leave from?
  4. What time does the train arrive at Exeter?
  5. What time is the train back to London?
  6. Which platform does the train back to London leave from?


Відповіді на контрольну роботу з аудіювання  мають бути оформлені ТАК (див. посилання)

Читання – reading 

Read the text and do the tasks


The people of Babylonia were rich and powerful. They were also happy. They loved each other and they enjoyed working together. But men could live only on earth. Heaven was for God and his angels.

The King of Babylonia decided that his people should have heaven, too. So he ordered them to build a great tower. Six hundred thousand men began making bricks and mixing mortar (будівельний розчин) and putting up a building higher. All day every day men carried bricks and mortar up a stairway on the west side of a tower. Then they walked down another stairway on the west. This went on for forty – two years until the tower was twenty – seven miles high. It was so high that it took a man a whole year to carry bricks from the ground to the top.

Now the tower had risen nearly to heaven. And God saw he had to do something. He sent seventy angels down to earth. The angels had orders: first to take away the one language everybody understood, then to put the people into groups with a new language in each group.

In no time the men who carried bricks couldn’t talk to the men who carried them and the men who carried bricks couldn’t say an understandable word to the men who laid the bricks. Everything was a mess, and everybody blamed everybody else for not understanding. The people no longer talked about the Tower of Heaven. The talked about the Tower of Babel, which meant the Tower of Confusion. Their work came to a dead stop. The builders went away carrying their new languages with them.

That is how it happened that different languages appeared in different parts of the world.

І. Tick the correct answer. Get one point for each correct choice.

1. Why was the King of Babylonia dissatisfied?

  1. His people had no heaven for themselves.
  2. His people were not rich and powerful.
  3. There was no love between his people.

2. What did the King order his people to do?

  1. He ordered them to ask God to come done to earth.
  2. He ordered them to build a great tower.
  3. He ordered them to dance together.

3. What did God do to keep the people out of heaven?

  1. He ruined the tower.
  2. He decided to take away the one language that everybody understood.
  3. He made the people poor.

4. What did the people do when everything was a mess?

  1. They went away carrying their new languages with them.
  2. They continued all the same.
  3. They blamed the King of the confusion.

ІІ. Mark the sentences true (T) or false (F).

  1. The people of Babylonia were not rich and powerful.
  2. The people of Babylonia loved each other and they enjoyed working together.
  3. The King of Babylonia ordered to build a great tower.
  4. Six hundred men began making bricks and mixing mortar and putting up a building higher.
  5. This went on for forty years until the tower was twenty – seven miles high.
  6. The God sent seventy angels down to earth.
  7. The angels had orders: first to take away the one language everybody understood.
  8. Tower of Babel meant the Tower of Confusion.


Відповіді на контрольну роботу мають бути оформлені ТАК (див. посилання)

Говоріння – speaking 

Підготуйте  усну  розповідь на одну з тем

  1. The sights of Kyiv.
  2. The sights of London.
  3. My favourite lesson.

Письмо – writing 

І. Complete the names of London’s   and Kyiv’s sights.

1) Nelson’s

2) Big

3) Tower

4)  The house

5) Golden

6) Mariyinskiy

a) Palace

b) Gate

c) with Chimeras

d) Column

e) Bridge

f) Ben

ІІ.  Make up dialogue.

  1. What’s your favourite subject?
  2. What lessons do you have on Monday?
  3. Does Physical Education improve children’s bodies?
  4. What is our second lesson today?
  1. Yes, it does.
  2. English. It’s interesting
  3. Let have me a look. It’s Maths.
  4. I have English, Geography, Maths, History and PE on Monday.

ІІІ. Complete the sentences:

clock / the capital   / bridges  / a big river

1) London is ___of Great Britain.

2) There is____ in London — the Thames

3) There are a lot of _______over the river.

4) There is a famous __in London called Big Ben.

ІV. Make up sentences.

  1. as/crowded/Dower street/Andriyivskiy Uzviz/is/not/as.
  2. is/as/as/St.Sophiya cathedral/popular/St.Andrew ‘s church.
  3. London/as/is/beautiful/Kyiv/as.

V. Write a composition on the topic

«Where is better to live in Kyiv or in London. Why?»


Відповіді на контрольну роботу мають бути оформлені ТАК (див. посилання)



Виконати підсумкову тестову контрольну роботу: Узагальнення і систематизація знань з теми «Гідросфера. Біосфера». (ДИВИТИСЯ ТУТ)


Зарубіжна література

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УВАГА!!! Тест необхідно пройти до 15 травня 18год., відповіді не надсилати



Виконати річну підсумкову контрольну роботу (ДИВИТИСЯ ТУТ)



Виконати контрольну роботу:Узагальнення. Тематичне оцінювання за розділом «Історія Стародавнього Риму» (ДИВИТИСЯ ТУТ)

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